*Short version of the presentation*👇👇
*Who is long rich?*
🌺It is an international business originating from Asia.
🌺It is 31 years in business and almost 2 years in South Africa
*Do we have products*
🌺Yes we have almost 2000.
🌺we have supplements,skin care ,toiletries ,weight loss products.
*How do I join the business*
🌺sign the application form
🌺buy a once off stock of k1500/k2000/ k2500.00
*what do I get for introducing a new member?*
🌺you get pvs which are point systems that you accumulate and move ranks within the business
*Do I have to sell to get paid?*
🌺selling is not compulsory. U will use the products with your family.
*What do I do after buying my stock?*
🌺Recruit 3 members and teach them to do the same.
*What if I recruit more than 3 members*
🌺you will register them under u and decide where to place them under your down lines.
🌺you also get pvs when your downlines join under you
*When do I get paid*
🌺u will get paid on the 3rd Friday from the day you joined the company
🌺u will get paid every Friday
*What do I get except week bonus*
🌺you will get points(PV).
🌺U will qualify incentives through the points.
🌺U will not forfeit your points.
*Do we have incentives?*
🌺3 free international trips per year.
🚙🚙Car incentive
🌺paid directly in to your account.
🌺K11200📱cellphone incentive
🌺K6200 ⛽ petrol incentive
🌺minimum car🚗🚗 incentive is k60 000 and maximum k600 000.
🏘housing incentive
🌺worth 1 million
🍸🕺🏻Lets make money and be financially free🍹💃💃